Why invest so much in archery? Not everyone will turn pro. Why bother spending so much time trying to master one of the most difficult sports in the world without any guarantee of fame or success? It’s not like we are in Korea where they treat archers like celebrities. What do we get out of it? What will our children get out of it?

The obvious answer would be the health benefits. Don’t be fooled by how role-playing games and movies portray archers. In movies you usually see the slender elven character (i.e. Legolas) or beautiful ladies like Merida or Katniss holding the bow while the burly characters carry swords and axes. In role playing games, you usually need to level dexterity up to be an effective archer. In reality, you need tremendous amounts of strength and endurance in archery. Drawing back the bow string is not as easy as it looks, and we need to do it dozens or even hundreds of times in a round (event or tournament). Add that with having to walk to and from the target to retrieve arrows and you have an extremely physically demanding sport.
Here's a video from World Archery showing how physical the sport is:
The greater benefits of shooting archery are in the mental aspect of the game. One of the best archers in history, Brady Ellison has even said that he spends more time on the mental aspect of the sport than the physical. Throughout the days, archers will find themselves thinking about their grip or their elbow rotation or imagining where they make the most mistakes while shooting. This kind of self-evaluation help archers develop critical thinking patterns that will help in countless other aspects of life. I always say archery is great for developing discipline and character specially with kids.

Imagine how much discipline it takes to be able to execute the same shot process step by step hundreds of times over. You have no opponents in archery. You only push yourself to be better in archery. Your goal is to beat your own best scores. It has been said that your best shot may be the one you did not take. It takes discipline and a lot of character to be able to line up you shot and then tell yourself “I did something wrong”, “I need to stop” and then let down your bow and start over.
You won’t believe how helpful archery is in professional life. The same discipline, character, and adherence to “the process” are the same traits found in great leaders. Shooting archery is a process. Hitting the target is the result of following a strong and solid process. In government, IT, BPO, Sales, or whatever the industry, a strong process and adhering to that process is the key to success. Being able to assess the process and determine which steps need improvement are the hallmarks of a good archer and a great leader. Archers know all too well that the hitting target is nothing more than a result of following a process. Not being fixated on hitting the target but focusing on yourself and your process is way to go. Aiming in archery is just a small part of the whole shot process. The same concepts are keys to success in the real word. Coming up with and following a good and repeatable process can make the difference between a spinning your wheels or heading to success in whatever you do.
The thing I love most about archery that how much it helps with mental health. As someone who has been dealing with severe depression, archery has been integral in getting my life together. 2019 being a particularly difficult year having lost my job due to the company going under burning me out completely from being in the corporate arena for 16 years; 2020 being colorful as it is now, apart from my family, archery has been THE thing that has kept me going. To say these last 2 years have been difficult is a massive understatement. Shooting arrows almost every single day during this difficult time has allowed me quiet my mind, calm my heart and focus on my shot process. This in turn has allowed me to take my focus away from the worries and troubles of life and see what really matters. Living. Now that I am fully invested in archery, I get to teach others and share my passion for the sport. I feel more alive than I ever did working for 16 years trying to make a living.
An added benefit to shooting archery is being able to do something probably 99% of the world has no idea of doing properly. It’s the coolest thing to be able to say I can hit that DVD sized target 7 bus lengths away using nothing more than what essentially is a stick and string. It’s so funny how folks bigger and stronger that you are can’t draw your bow back when you regularly shoot dozens if not hundreds of arrows with it at a time. Archery is awesome. Being an archer is even more awesome.
Check out this video from World Archery that kinda shows how hard archery is:
Another thing that I feel is so awesome about archery is the great community we have. Locally, Nationally, and Internationally. Through archery, I have met the coolest athletes and coaches I have ever known. I’ve made some awesome new friends both locally and internationally. Reconnected with old teachers and teammates. I have found a new family in the archery community. Beliefs, skin color, social status. None of those matter in archery. All the kids I’ve met and taught in archery have been kind, courteous, and incredibly nice. Everyone I’ve met in the archery community has only cared about becoming a better archer and making others better archers.

Archery to me is more than a sport. It is a lifestyle. Similar to how I feel about working in customer service, I feel that every Filipino should try Archery at least once in their lives. It is a sport that develops discipline and good character. It promotes good physical and mental health. You are immediately welcomed to one of the coolest communities around. Go to your nearest range, check videos online. Find a good coach. Join a club. Learn archery. Have fun. Be healthy. And be happy.
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